
What is Baptism?

We believe biblical baptism is the immersion of a believer in water in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.  Baptism illustrates dying to our old life of sin and rising from the dead to live a new life for God. It parallels Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection. The new believer is “buried” or submerged into water, symbolizing death, and then brought up out of the water, demonstrating a new resurrected life in Christ.

Why should I be baptized?

To make a public profession of your new life in Christ, having trusted in Jesus as Savior (forgiver of your sin) and Lord (leader of your life):

  • Outwardly illustrating an inward reality - Jesus has cleansed me of my sin and I now live a new life in him! (1 Cor. 6:11, Gal. 2:20, Rom. 6:3-5)

  • Personally and publicly identifying with Jesus - announcing ‘I’m on his team!’ (Gal. 3:26-27, Matt. 3:13-17)

  • Following Jesus’ instruction to be baptized (Matt.28:18-20)

When can I be baptized?

Every other month, we have baptisms in the Sunday service, for the next date click HERE. Both adults and children who have personally trusted in Christ can be baptized. (Alternatively, we offer child dedication for parents of young children to publicly dedicate their children to the Lord - click HERE for info on child dedication.)

To talk with someone about being baptized, call the office at 715.387.6169 or fill out the form below: